Новые функции Взрывозащищенный блок управленияПосмотреть больше
Новые функции Взрывозащищенный блок управленияПосмотреть больше
Новые функции Взрывозащищенный блок управленияПосмотреть больше
Новые функции Взрывозащищенный блок управленияПосмотреть больше

Взрывозащищенный блок управления

Взрывозащищенный блок управления
Explosion-proof control box Model: BXM(D)
Специализация на исследованиях и разработках промышленного освещения, производстве и продаже отечественных высокотехнологичных предприятий
Explosion-proof control box Rated voltage: AC 220/380V
Explosion-proof control box Main circuit rated current:≤400A
Explosion-proof control box IP Code: IP65
Explosion-proof control box Certification:Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
Взрывозащищенная коробка представляет собой индивидуальный продукт, и необходимо предоставить подробные чертежи или параметры.

Explosion-proof control box Scope and use
. Suitable for zone 1 and zone 2 in explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for IIA, IIB, IC explosive gas environment;
◆Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1~-T6;
Explosive hazardous environments;
◆It is used in electrical control system for command sending and status monitoring;
◆This product has various schemes and can be produced according to the electrical system diagram provided by the user.
Explosion-proof control box Features
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
Explosive hazardous environments;
◆It is used in electrical control system for command sending and status monitoring;
◆This product has various schemes and can be produced according to the electrical system diagram provided by the user.
Explosion-proof control box Features
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
G1/2' ~ G3/4'
Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Can be customized according to the required parameters
Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
. The built-in flameproof control switch of IC grade products has compact structure, high reliability, small size, strong on-off ability, long life, and has a variety of functions for users to choose;
◆The built-in anti-candle button of IC grade products adopts adhesive technology to ensure reliable bonding strength;
◆Using a curved seal structure design, with good waterproof and dustproof performance;
◆Exposed fasteners are made of stainless steel;
Explosion-proof control box Main technical parameters
модель БХМ(Д)
Представительский стандарт GB3836.1, GB3836.2, GB3836.3, GB12476.1, GB12476.5, IEC60079, IEC61241
Взрывозащищенный знак Exde IIB/IC T4 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP65 T135C
номинальное напряжение. AC 220/380В
Номинальный ток основной цепи ≤400А
Количество филиалов 4、6、8、10、12
номинальный ток цепи ветвления ≤350А
Класс защиты Степень защиты IP65
Антикоррозионный класс ВФ2
Впускная резьба G1/2" ~ G3/4"
Технические характеристики кабелей Medium 9mm ~ Medium 28mm
Выбор размеров оболочки Can be customized according to the required parameters
Способ установки подвесная, вертикальная

Explosion-proof control box Order Notice
1. При заказе, пожалуйста, предоставьте подробные чертежи и параметры.
2. Компания поддерживает ОБРАБОТКУ OEM, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с менеджером по работе с клиентами для конкретных требований

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